LA Times Daily March 27 2016 Sunday Crossword Answer. Below you will find the daily crossword answers for LA Times.
LA Times Daily March 27 2016 Sunday Crossword Answer
1. Fads MANIAS
7. They were introduced to Western pop music during the British Invasion SITARS
13. Quantities like mass and volume SCALARS
20. Earth pigment SIENNA
21. Slow movement ADAGIO
22. Hamlet’s friend HORATIO
23. Film monster at a construction site? CRANE OF TERROR (C + “Reign of Terror”)
25. Subject for Dumbledore ALCHEMY
26. Plane staff CREW
27. Kitchen top LID
28. Unrestricted ruler DESPOT
30. Govt. intel org. NSA
31. Co-star of “Suspect” (1987) CHER
32. Author Rand AYN
33. Spanish eye OJO
35. Confine, as on a farm PEN IN
37. __ Fáil: Irish coronation stone LIA
38. Civil War prez ABE
39. Peat moss heist? NURSERY CRIME (C + “nursery rhyme”)
44. Double without a seatbelt? UNSECURED CLONE (C + “unsecured loan”)
48. Sticks often with curved tops CANES
49. Ones having a bite EATERS
50. Former “Daily Show” correspondent Samantha BEE
51. Recipe words A DASH
54. Vietnam’s last emperor Bao __ DAI
55. Update the machinery RETOOL
57. Bagel topper LOX
59. Apprehensive of FEARING
61. Art opening? POP
64. Reason to call the landlord NO HEAT
66. Something in the air NITROGEN
67. “Return of the Jedi” dancer OOLA
69. Exclusive editing websites? WIKI CLIQUES (C + “WikiLeaks”)
71. Adored speaker BOSE
72. Gerard Trenité poem about eccentricities of English pronunciation THE CHAOS
74. Not dressy CASUAL
75. Part of PST: Abbr. STD
76. Historic metropolitan district OLD TOWN
77. Miss piggy? SOW
78. Astronomer Celsius ANDERS
82. Time, e.g., briefly MAG
83. Iraqi port BASRA
85. French pen name BIC
86. Research GO INTO
90. “… __, mean, fightin’ machine!”: John Candy in “Stripes” A LEAN
92. Marx feature? CRAZED EYEBROWS (C + “raised eyebrows”)
96. Garden center bulk purchase? CASE OF SPADES (C + “ace of spades”)
99. Carbohydrate ending -OSE
100. “Dinosaur Train” watcher TOT
101. WWII German minesweeper R BOAT
102. 6, on a phone MNO
103. __ instinct GUT
104. Riot squad spray MACE
105. Munich lament ACH!
108. Tree in a tray BONSAI
110. Breakfast morsel OAT
111. Prying NOSY
112. Go before PRECEDE
114. Be tearfully grateful about comfy shoes? CRY ON THE CROCS (C + “rye, on the rocks”)
119. Ursa Minor star POLARIS
120. Interfere MEDDLE
121. “Real love __ me through”: Steve Winwood lyric TO PULL
122. Matching tops worn together TWINSET
123. Franklin writings ESSAYS
124. Large furniture chain ASHLEY
1. Advanced math deg., in Canada MSC
2. Carrier with a Shanghai hub AIR CHINA
3. Qatar locale NEAR EAST
4. __ peace INNER
5. Yet again ANEW
6. Brazil map word SAO
7. Observed, maybe SAT IN
8. Fingered IDED
9. Sailor TAR
10. Cabinet dept. AGR
11. Aldi supermarket juice brand that translates to “river of gold” RIO D’ORO
12. Ticked SORE
13. Machine shop tool SHAPER
14. Groups of bats or beavers COLONY
15. Northernmost freshwater fish ARCTIC CHAR
16. “Well, __-di-dah!” LAH
17. UMass’s conference A-TEN
18. Edges RIMS
19. Tofu source SOYA
24. Handbill FLYER
29. 1994 film set on a bus SPEED
31. Game with a rope CLUE
32. “Perched upon __ of Pallas”: “The Raven” A BUST
33. Fairy tale opener ONCE …
34. Summer mo. JUL
36. Org. for marksmen NRA
38. 43,560 square feet ACRE
40. Junk food, in ads SNAX
41. Dyes used for blue jeans INDIGOS
42. Most Grinch-like MEANEST
43. Digitally endorsed E-SIGNED
45. Bard’s “always” E’ER
46. Nook downloads E-BOOKS
47. Home of Humayun’s Tomb DELHI
52. Off the beaten path AFIELD
53. Puts in rollers SETS
56. Dip ingredients ONIONS
57. Award-winning courtroom drama LA LAW
58. Elevator innovator OTIS
60. Hold up ROB
61. Chesapeake Bay feeder POTOMAC
62. “C’est magnifique!” OOH LA LA!
63. Telethon commitments PLEDGES
65. Maker of Cage golf shoes ECCO
66. Subtlety NUANCE
68. Be on a role? ACT
69. Trumpet sound WA-WA
70. “Brokeback Mountain” actor QUAID
73. Schmoozers HOBNOBBERS
77. 1986 Starship chart-topper SARA
79. Spew out EGEST
80. Obi-Wan’s attire ROBE
81. Title of honor SIR
84. Tax audit needs: Abbr. RCPTS
85. Smooch from Sofía BESO
87. Absolutely no one NOT A SOUL
88. Type of engine or oil TWO-CYCLE
89. Bone: Pref. OSTE-
91. Fizzy prefix AER-
93. Looks up to ADMIRES
94. __ garden ZEN
95. What “comes but once in a lifetime”: Longfellow YOUTH
97. “Jamie” reader FOODIE
98. Most stable SANEST
103. Defense secretary before Panetta GATES
104. Transform, in sci-fi MORPH
105. iCal entry APPT
106. Bad avian omen in much mythology CROW
107. Prefix with port HELI-
109. Peak ACME
110. Just ONLY
111. Sgts. and cpls. NCOS
113. Discharge CAN
115. NFL stat YDS
116. “Ghost” psychic __ Mae Brown ODA
117. Greek vowel ETA
118. Cagey SLY